Client Release 3.0.0-beta6 - 23 Dec 2009
Geschrieben von Sponge-Manu am 16. Juni 2012 16:56:25

+ Added feature or noticeable improvement
- Bug fix or something removed
* Changed or Information
! Important - Take note!

- Mac: Fixed path to 3d_test.wav
* Client no longer ignores i_client_serverquery_view_power permission.
* TokenManager: Add Token ComboBoxes now preselect the default groups
* Updated German translation
- Prevent enabling VAD/continuous transmission via options dialog when
force-push-to-talk permission is set
* Dont raise TS3 windows except filebrowser when dragging a file over any
client window
* VirtualServerEdit: Save and restore window geometry
* Added error message when creating folder failed
- Fixed possible crash in whisperlistmanager when deleting channels which were
added to a whisperlist
* Permissions filter now case insensitive
- Fixed handling skip flag in permissions overview
* Display "Forced" in skip column of permissions overwhen when skip is enforced
via b_client_skip_channelgroup_permission
* Permissions filter now case insensitive
- 3d Sound: TestUsers were no longer multiplied when toggling 3d sound
- Channel edit event did not change the channel phonetic name
- Updater: Added timeout for 5 seconds. Otherwise the updater hangs infinite if
the update server cannot be reached.
- Middle mouse button didn't work with bookmark submenus
- Run disabled check on menus on server tab change
- Fixed crash with invalid client links
- Fixed all serverconnections being lost if you press a hotkey for Connect to
- BookmarkManager: Fixed IDs and statistics of duplicated entries.