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Du musst eingeloggt sein um eine Nachricht zu schreiben!

25.01.2023 18:45
Gibt es eine möglichkeit Rechte zu bekommen das ich in den channel von meinen freunden auch etwas in den chat unten posten kann?

20.09.2020 00:37
"Grüße vom Sky95"

16.09.2020 03:13
Na wer kann es Knacken LOL R3LDvMOfZSB2b20gU2

02.09.2020 13:13
Hi Smile

24.04.2020 00:02

Licensed Teamspeak 3 Server (AAL)
Artikel » TeamSpeak 3 Client Changelog » Client Release 3.0.0-beta12 - 20 Jan 2010

Client Release 3.0.0-beta12 - 20 Jan 2010

+ Added feature or noticeable improvement
- Bug fix or something removed
* Changed or Information
! Important - Take note!

! Plugin API version changed to 3
! Lua scripts moved to plugins/lua_plugin/ instead of scripts/
* Copyright label in About dialog can no longer be modified by translations.
Instead translators can use the PLACEHOLDER label in the about dialog. If
this feature is not wanted, keep "PLACEHOLDER" as text and the label will
be hidden.
* Added qParentWidget paramter to ts3plugin_configure function. Use this *only*
when creating QWidgets or QDialogs as parent widget. Cast it to QDialog before
using. For other UI libraries ignore this parameter and use the first window
handle parameter instead.
- Fixed pasting multilines in chatedit
+ Added dialog to join default channel, when favorite default channel is full.
* Added new parameter to plugin function ts3Functions.printMessage
* Added new plugin function ts3Functions.printMessageToCurrentTab
- Removed plugin function ts3Functions.getCurrentChatServerConnectionHandlerID
* Updated bundled apps.ini
- Fixed pasting host:port in bookmarks address field (port of bookmark item was
not updated properly)
* Windows can now be closed with ESC in addition to existing Ctrl+W shortcut
- Fixed a bug where setup wizard doesn't save the mic option correctly
* Added input field to connect and bookmark dialog for one-time token.
- Displayed elapsed time in improve identity dialog should no longer overflow.
- Fixed a possible freeze when closing the improve identity dialog while an
identity upgrade is in progress.
- Text tweaks and German translation updates
- Fixed some strings which didn't appear in the translation
- Fixed toggling capture- and playback profiles
- Hotkeys can be translated
- Fixed possible crash when using "close-all-but-this" on tabs
* Renamed "Password" to "Server password" in connect and bookmark dialogs to
avoid confusion this might be a user password.
* Reactivated hotkeys "Bring to front" and "Send to back" (Windows only).
- Fixed possible crash on startup with Windows client
- Fixed handling of b_client_skip_channelgroup_permissions in permissions
overview dialog
- Fixed bug that denied you to create a channel when you did not have
the permission b_channel_create_with_sortorder and somebody else created
a channel while you were filling out the create-channel fields
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