All server administrators reserve themselves to change all contents on the server of every time, also without announcement! Under it also there fall changes of the server rules!
The server administrators have no obligation towards the users to justify themselves for her(their) actions.
Instructions of the Fun & Witze teams are to be followed any time and to obey.
The advertising for other servers, web pages / forums or radio's in which form also always, (except partner sites) is permitted only with explicit approval of a server administrator.
§2 Channel- and Nicknames
We do not ask any user the nickname in the Teamspeak daily to change. If you have registered yourself on our homepage, uses please this nickname - it serves the clarity.
So-called Emotionsnick or channel names are forbidden.
Channel names and nicknames may not consist in general of insulting or similar contents.
Channel names and nicknames which are used for advertising purposes, negative statements, provoking(provocative) allusions or similar are not permitted on the Teamspeak.
Minimum decorations of the channel name and nickname are permitted.
Remarkable repeating decorations with special character are not welcome and will automatically be extinguished after being recognised.
§3 Chat / Talk
How the name "Teamspeak" already circumscribes, actually, it is a matter of speaking with each other! We will lead, except in special cases with ourselves to known users, basically no chat talks, only because somebody claims to own no Headset. Nowadays every player should own a Headset! Therefore: No Support without complete-arranged Teamspeak!
Verbal "outbreaks" in negative way are strictly prohibited., Among the rest, under it there fall insults and terms of abuse.
All racist, radically right-wing as well as sexual-questionable statements are to be omitted, in any case, and are not patient basically.
Nuisances(Pesterings) in any form are forbidden. In addition belong, e.g., uninterrupted whispering, sturgeon noises, Spam by news(messages) or immoderate(unreasonable) volume with the communication.
It is prohibited to use a voice changer / Pitcher at the Teamspeak server.
Should sturgeon noises or back couplings appear, only "Push To Talk" is permitted.
§4 Recording
Admissions(Intakes) in the upper public area are permitted not without permission of a server administrator.
If an Own Channel was created, maybe password-protected, Recordings are permitted.
If other users disagree to recording in a private channel, the record is forbidden.
§5 Other(Miscellaneous)
We transmit no IP addresses of our users to unjustified people.
Attacks against the server with so-called "Flood tools" are strictly forbidden and are pursued if necessary juridically by the provider.
With questions, problems or further requests all around the server, simply visit us in the Channel "--> Unterhaltung Nr. 1". You will get assistence as fast as possible. Should it last sometimes a little bit, please remember that you are not under circumstances the only user who needs our help.
§6 Observance of the rules
Each user agrees to when connecting to the TeamSpeak server to abide by the rules!
If this is not the case, all the CA and SA have the right, where appropriate, to issue a warning, kick, ban or range ban.